The AAPD is pleased that the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has awarded 13 grants to dental education institutions to enhance clinical predoctoral dental and dental hygiene training focusing on children ages 0-5 to improve the oral health of vulnerable, underserved, and rural pediatric populations.

Thanks to AAPD advocacy efforts that obtained FY 2017 federal funding, HRSA allocated $4.4 million for this competition, which includes a small childhood obesity prevention supplement. These are five-year awards, with up to $300,000 available per grantee per year.

The 13 awardees are:

Grantee  State
University of Alabama at Birmingham  Ala.
Western University of Health Sciences  Calif.
Meharry Medical College  Tenn.
Nova Southeastern University  Fla.
University of Hawaii  Hawaii
University of Illinois  Ill.
Boston University  Mass.
University of Michigan  Mich.
Temple University  Pa.
University of Pennsylvania  Pa.
 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Texas
 Virginia Commonwealth University  Va.
 University of Washington  Wash.

For more information about AAPD Title VII advocacy: C. Scott Litch, Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel ( 

For more information about HRSA Title VII dental grant opportunities: Scott Dalhouse, Educational Affairs Manager (